See those tabs that go across the top of the blog. (Home, Peeps, Business Stuff.....) Well those are really out of date and badly in need of a 2017 revamp. (Do take a moment to notice that if you want to make money writing, the business of writing is going to involve a lot of things that aren't actually blissfully clacking away.) That's going to be a chunk of my tomorrow, and may run into Monday.
The edits themselves won't create notifications, and I'm only going to place things I completely revamp into a social media share over the next few days. But anything I change more than a little (but not enough to make a whole post about), I will cut and paste into a new post to keep the most recent version on "top." And whereas I can "trickle out" the social media updates (maybe posting only one update a day and leaving several in a "queue") anything that generates a notification or RSS post the minute I hit "publish" might get a little inundated.
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