You'll see the top four in the quarterfinal rounds once we cull the massive number of remaining titles down to four manageable lists.
To the others, give a hearty wave.
We'll get a new round up tomorrow.
Text version below. |
Harry Potter- J.K. Rowling 110 48.03%
Night Watch- T. Pratchett 50 21.83%
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell- S. Clarke 19 8.3%
The First Law Trilogy- J. Abercrombie 18 7.86%
Keys to the Kingdom- G. Nix 11 4.8%
Lightbringer Series - Brent Weeks 10 4.37%
Age of the Five Series - T. Canavan 6 2.62%
The Powder Mage Trilogy- B. McClellan 5 2.18%
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