#6 is obviously groupie threesomes. Also, clearly this is a metaphor for creativity,
and not just a licence free image for the word
Very often the trouble here is that writing well is only half the story and usually only a small portion of the difficulty most writers struggle with. If the technical skill of writing is not married to a good sense of process, then what you end up with a very good writer who does not produce very much. Indeed, most writers have more difficulty just sitting to write than they ever do with the prose itself. (Although, unfortunately, most writers focus on learning the technical skill almost the exclusion of working on their process.)
While concrete imagery, dialogue, or characterization are craft elements, how many times to draft, when to write, how important research and how to sit down and produce every day is process. These are articles about the process of writing and whatever insight I have gleaned about it.
The Lessons of Brande. Dorothea Brande's book Becoming A Writer is the best process book that I know of.
1 One Book To Rule Them All (And With Oversewing Bind Them).
2 Cultivating internal dualism.
3 Morning writing
4 The Floating Half Hour of Writing
Do What Works For YOU It's not just a concept in martial arts, but about writing in general.
The Witching Hour When Magic Works Write when you enjoy writing, not others.
Free Writing--Why it Rocks There's actually a neurological reason
Should I Outline? (Mailbox) Authors have mixed feelings. I weigh in.
Revision Land (Mailbox) Charlie the unicorn goes to the magical Revision Land
When to Revise (Mailbox) What to do when revision feels like not writing
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I have, by synchronicity, stumbled on this blog today and therefore the Brande book - this is exactly what I needed to read today, so I thank you!