And since I am going to head over to Texas to see my mother this weekend because there's nothing like quite like the 100 degree weather and oppressive humidity and seeing the American flag every eight feet....
And since I'm having some company next weekend....
And since the next day I start teaching summer school and middle schoolers take some mental prep to be ready for (and karate lessons)....
And since I'm behind on things like replying to e-mails and thanking recent donors and saving Skyrim from those fucking dragons....
And since I actually need to write some fiction instead of just talking about it....
We're going to take the time from now through next weekend to catch our breath a little bit here.
As usual, even during Writing About Writing's "time off," we won't REALLY be off. Usually it just means that we toss out the schedule for a few days and do some improv and lighter fare. The staff assures me that they can put up some quality content and hold down the fort while I'm gone even if they have to get Grendel to write a biography or something, and I don't ever really stop writing even when I'm on break, so I'll be able to post some stuff as well.
Hey, it's been kind of nice here in Texas! :) (But it won't last long.)
ReplyDeleteMaybe I've only gone later in the summer, but man it is always hot. (My mom lives between Houston and Galveston.)